One of the (many) things that irritate me is the way people talk about the government like it’s been the best we’ve ever had, and all the good things they’ve done for us (kabaaari wu shawaaaari3, wu sokkar!), and how the country is in the best situation it could be especially when you compare to how it used to be (saf albinzeen wal3eish). I don’t really have much to say to those people, because it’s quite difficult to argue with someone who’s logic is that the government is doing us a favour by ‘providing’ all these luxuries. Also, these people tend to go deaf when you reason that what ‘product’ there is has nothing to do with the resources available, e.g. one of the few bridges built since 1989 could be very easily funded by a couple of hundred of those working abroad from the millions the government charges them in taxes and zakat. And there are WAY more than a couple of hundred Sudanese working abroad who pay taxes and zakat.
On the other hand, you have the people who are dissatisfied with their ‘dictators’ because they aren’t providing enough, or aren’t giving them their rights, or have been in power for so long they just want a change wu khalas. What annoys me is that all they see are the negative things, no matter how minor these things are. They manage to see the bad in everything, whether or not it exists. I saw this firsthand in Oman during those few weeks of unrest following the Arab Spring when people demonstrated against the government with all sorts of demands, like raising minimum wage and creating more jobs. Reasonable requests, everyone would agree. But what was not reasonable was the blatant and unjust accusations of the government (namely the Sultan) not providing anything for the people, not investing in their well being and progress, not providing basic healthcare or education or comfort. Even though healthcare and education are both completely free, and Oman has one of the best healthcare systems in the world. Or a slightly different situation like Turkey, where for all the (alleged) human rights violations and questionable political crackdowns, you have excellent public services and economic growth. Schools are built within tight standards, with things like bathrooms for those with special needs being made mandatory. Health system reform has changed the way health is addressed. Emergency rooms are equipped with ultrasound machines (free of charge) based on evidence of their importance in managing critically injured patients. Just look at the way they take care of refugees for crying out loud. And the way they break up demonstrations. This sounds crazy, but overhear demonstrations are broken up with live ammunition, not water. I’m not saying they should be completely forgiven for whatever they do. I’m saying that at least there is use of tax-payers money in providing excellent public services, which is the way it should be.
So when you look at Sudan and see the few bridges and many roads that have been so nicely provided by the government, please don’t tell me katar kheirom al3amalo kida. The fact is that they haven’t done anything compared to what they SHOULD be doing, and relative to how much money they have. Also, it is the government’s JOB to be doing these things. They’re not doing us or anyone else a favour. So instead of pouring all the money into blasting our fellow Sudanese to smithereens, a little more attention to the actual welfare of the country would be nice.
عن معقل بن يسارد
مرفوعاً: (رجلان ما تنالهما شفاعتي: إمام ظلوم غشوم، وآخر غال في الدين مارق منه)، رواه ابن أبي عاصم في السنة

عن معقل بن يسار مرفوعاً: ((ما من أمير يلي أمر المسلمين ثم لا يجهد لهم وينصح لهم إلا لم يدخل معهم الجنة)) [مسلم]