Ok this is actually a ‘novel’, my first, really, but due to techincal problems i can only post this chapter. Others shall follow soon, inshallah, and in about ahundred years I might even be able to post the whole thing. This is chapter 4.

It had been a long day. Lunch had been exceptionally gruesome, and Mama had delicately taken it into her head to clean out the fridge. The counters on either side of the sink were laden with dishes and containers of all kinds; mostly covered with old, smelly food, either dried and stuck to the bottom or gooey and molded over. It was every dishwasher’s worst nightmare. I tried bribing and blackmailing the boys into helping, but in vain. Kitty passed by to say she was going to mall, did I want to come? Observing my surroundings and the look of murder on my face, she thought maybe not, she would get me something with her, in the meantime she was running late, goodbye, and fled. I looked long and hard at the piles of dishes, willing them to disappear. They didn’t. Sighing heavily, I resigned to reality and accepted my fate. I filled the sink with hot water, poured in enough soap to wash a line of school buses and tipped in everything on the left counter, on the verge of tears from the revolt and frustration. I tried not to think about the bright world beyond the kitchen: the sound of the TV in the living room, Mama gossiping away on the phone, a knock on the door and the Warren kids came trooping in to join the twins for cartoon hour; today was a Power Puff Girl and Scooby Doo special feature. My heart ached as I scrubbed away while everyone enjoyed their freedom elsewhere. Well, I thought morosely, at least I have rubber gloves; wouldn’t want to get hold of this lot with my bare hands. I had to be careful, though; things would get extra slippery and Mama would be after my blood if I broke anything. I worked my way through the breakfast and lunch dishes, scrubbing, rinsing and stacking on the side, all the time ignoring the laughter coming through the door and cursing the fate that had destined me into this family. Rinsing a bowl I savagely wished the next person who ate out of it would choke on whatever it was they ate; stacking it on top of the rest of the clean dishes I picked up a bunch of spoons and held them under the running water, noticing how efficient they would be in poking out someone’s eye or sticking down someone’s throat. Sticking them at off angles between the dinner plates I reached into the water and pulled out an odd shaped object. I rinsed it and held it up to the light, and nearly dropped it when it turned out to be a broken piece of porcelain. Uh oh. That was bad news; it meant there was a broken plate somewhere down there. And, judging by the rosy coloured piece in my hand, it was one of Mama’s favourite sets. If there was one thing Mama hated, it was a broken dish. Why she was so attached to her dinner sets beat me, but we were all willing to bet that she would chose them over us anytime of the day. Which meant I was in trouble. I had to act, and fast. I could get rid of the evidence; take the broken pieces outside and all the way down the street, stuff them in someone else’s trash can. I couldn’t risk her finding anything. But she wouldn’t notice a missing plate, would she? No one counted their plates. I mean, I didn’t think anyone did. But a missing plate wasn’t really that hard to notice, this particular set had six pieces; one for each person. Oh whatever, let me just get the stupid thing out of here and think what to do later. Maybe I could hide the whole set and no one would remember it ever existed. Ha ha. A thousand curses on whoever had invented dishes in the first place! I tossed the broken piece on top of the clean dishes on the side, and dived into the sink in search for the remaining pieces, only to be arrested exactly 1 second later by a sound that turned my insides to ice: a grating, shifting sound. Realizing its meaning, I turned in horror and threw out my hands in an effort to catch the falling dishes, but alas: the whole pile just slipped through my rubber gloves and fell to the floor. A cascade of smashes followed, as dish after dish after dish surrendered to gravity and met its fate, sealing my own with it. The noise went on and on, seemingly forever, as I watched helplessly; it seemed there was a whole fountain of glass that had been waiting for this moment all its life. At long last the last spoon fell with a tinkle, an island of silver in an ocean of glittering glass and porcelain; my death sentence signed, sealed and delivered. The house was deadly silent, not a sound broke the air after the orchestra of doom had ceased. The TV had been turned off, and not a whisper came through the door. Now, if there was one thing Mama hated more than a broken dish, it was many broken dishes. Not to mention glasses, mugs, bowls and, of course, plates. A saucepan fell to the floor with a tinkling clang, making me jump a foot in the air. In the thick silence surrounding me, the only sound I heard was the rapid beating of my heart, certainly the last beats of my miserable life. A cold sweat collected on my forehead and the small hairs on the back of my neck stiffened hesitantly, as my ears picked up the sound of distant movement. My dread mounted uncontrollably with each approaching footstep, my doom now at hand. As my eyes fixed to the door which would be thrown open any second, my life played in front of my eyes, different memories racing by, memories I didn’t even remember living that went way back to when the world was big and peaceful and no one broke dishes and got punished for it. The footsteps stopped just outside the door. My breath clouded in front of me as the temperature of the room dropped; death was coming! I recited what prayers I could recall, praying that the end would be as painless as possible and that no one would take my prized socks after I died. Suddenly the door blew out of the way, letting in a gush of ice cold air, and there she was: 5’4 of blue dressed wrath, the fire in her eyes blazing brighter and brighter with every bit of glass it fell upon, the low rumble within her rising to a growl and then to a terrible roar of rage that rang against the walls and cabinets. Rooted to the spot and paralyzed with fear, I tore my eyes away from her, searching frantically for the smallest mouse hole that would secure my escape, but alas; our kitchen, probably evolving through years of housing four actively troublesome children, was escape proof. This was it. This was my end. Death was coming. And I hadn’t even had time to say farewell to the world. How would Kitty live without me? But no. NO! I refused to go down so easily! It was a ‘flight or fight’ situation, and until ‘fight’ proved totally unevitable, it was ‘flight’ I chose! At last the life sprang back into my legs, and I leapt into the air and away from her clutches just as she was closing in. I vaulted over the kitchen table, rubber gloves and all, and landed with a slippery crunch in the midst of the broken pieces on the other side. Skidding and sliding, I lunged for the door handle, my escape inches away; but just as my hand closed around the cold metal her fingers clamped around my neck, catching me before my feet had even touched the ground. It was over. I had failed. Choking, the world blacked before my eyes as I was throttled back and forth, terrible death threats and vows shrieked into my dying ears. My last thoughts were all farewells; farewell Kitty, farewell Raju, farewell Mr. Brooke, farewell world, I hope I don’t end up in Hell.
My father saved me, but it took his and Moose’s combined efforts to pry my mother’s fingers loose. When I woke up a few minutes later and found myself face to face with Moose, I thought I had ended up in Hell after all. I didn’t need a hospital, which was a relief as there would have been quite an inquiry on the nature of my injuries; although my throat hurt and my tongue was bleeding a little from where I had bitten down on it in my alarm, my breathing was back to normal after a while. I locked myself in my room, not needing everyone’s advice to do so. I barricaded the door with two chairs and a pile of shoes (my bed was too heavy to move). The noise went on all evening, coming through the door and floorboards. I hid in my room for the rest of the day and the next. The twins passed me a couple of burgers and a bag of chips through the door; they had ordered out since there was nothing to serve food on. On the third morning I was finally driven out, as nature’s call was at its peak. I opened the door about 3 millimeters wide and peeked out. No sound or movement came to my senses. I opened it a couple of millimeters more, and still the house slept on. I carefully stuck my head out, listening for the slightest movement along the floor. Nothing. The coast was clear. I began tiptoeing down the hall to the bathroom, trying to look everywhere at once, but my urgency made me break into a run all the way to the bathroom and slam the door behind me. Two hours and three showers later I emerged, fully relieved and feeling at peace with the world now that I was rid of three days worth of toxins and dirt. Prancing confidently down the hall towards the stairs, I made my mind up to have two glasses of orange juice instead of one, and to watch three episodes of Dexter’s lab instead of two, and as soon as those were over I would… I stopped dead in tracks and thoughts, realizing my mistake just as I narrowly avoided colliding with the silent figure at the head of the stairs, watching my progress wordlessly. I cursed silently to myself; how could I be so stupidly off my guard? No one would be able to save me this time; she could just pick me off the floor and throw me down the stairs. I looked at her warily, ready to bolt if she tried to grab me. She didn’t. She just gave me a look of the utmost loathing and contempt, and turned around and lumbered down the stairs without a word or a look back. I held my place, shifting from one foot to the other and watching her retreating back until it disappeared into the kitchen. Well, I thought uncomfortably, I guess that means I’m off the hook. I scratched my head and decided I would risk it, and followed in her steps downstairs. My mother wouldn’t talk to me for a whole month. I didn’t get any punishments, but after a week and a half of the silent treatment I started wishing for the dishwashing penalty again. My brothers had me covered at all times, acting from their own sense as well as on Dad’s orders, but after a while it seemed unnecessary, as Mama showed no further interest in killing me. We had to buy quite a few dishes of course, and the she chose the cheapest sets possible, hinting darkly that it wouldn’t cost so much if someone stupid went and broke them all again. I quietly hinted back that maybe if we had a dishwasher then maybe someone stupid wouldn’t have access to the precious dishes in the first place. My suggestions rolled off her back unnoticed. About a year later we would finally get a dishwasher, but not after another accident claimed another dozen dishes; thankfully Moose was responsible this time. He still has the whipping scars to prove it, too.
I thoroughly enjoyed this piece as it is light & funny & most importantly brought back so many memories of "dish washing".. Can't wait for your novel to complete 🙂