
You No Pay, Me No Work!

A short while ago I was given the task of organizing a couple of workshops for some important national and international participants. The topic was an interesting and important one, and these were the second and third workshops in a series of events sponsored by a couple of large international bodies. At some point during […]

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Goodbye, 2013

2013 will be a year remembered for a quite a few reasons, but mostly for illness, tears and death. I don’t think there’s ever been a year so full of tragedy and exhaustion, at least not in my relatively pathetic and boring life. I’m sure many other people can say different. The one thing I

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Coming Home: 4

This isn’t really a complete part since the story isn’t over yet. I actually stopped asking and don’t expect anything to happen anytime soon. A few weeks after giving all my papers I was called by the administrative director (the guy who had my file and was getting things done for me) and told that

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Sitting at a restaurant waiting for my friends who are never, NEVER on time (or even fashionably late, just really late) and writing down random thoughts that have been floating around in my head. 1.       I always feel like I need to apologize to everyone walking or standing in the sun while I cruise past

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Bala 3awaleeg!

This is dedicated to the guy who called me ‘3awaleeg’. For those of you who don’t know the story, my last blog was about my observations while chillaxing in the ‘main’ in Khartoum University college of medicine. These observations were comments about college students in general, but happened to be ‘observed’ in the U of

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Dear MamaI shouldn’t be waiting for Mother’s Day to say all this, but, being the thankless childrenthat we are, I did. I cannot begin to imagine the nightmare of motherhood thatyou had lived with 6 children, one of which was myself. An ugly child, a loud-mouthedand rebellious teenager, and moody, nagging, volatile and hot tempered

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Wake-up Call

Isn’t it the most irritating thing when you wake up to the reality that things are actually nothing like you thought they were, and that, deep down inside you knew that all along? You suddenly realise that the uneasy feeling of things not being quite right was true. And you also realise that that feeling

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