One Fine Day

1 One fine day, it was. The sky a perfect shade of blue, trees a perfect shade of green, hydrants a perfect shade of red and her brand new Reeboks a perfect shade of pink. She had enough lip gloss on to make a car shine, enough fruit-smelling perfume to be detected a mile away. […]

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Ok this is actually a ‘novel’, my first, really, but due to techincal problems i can only post this chapter. Others shall follow soon, inshallah, and in about ahundred years I might even be able to post the whole thing. This is chapter 4. Dishes It was my strong belief that dishes had been introduced

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Ahmed steps out of the house, straightening his attire and rubbing his shoes, each in turn, against the back of his trouser-legs in a desperate effort to make them shine. He breathes in the fresh morning air and looks around him at his fellow early risers; the birds twittering together among the tree branches; a

Wheels Read More »

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