Reem Gaafar

The kadeesa

Well then. Today was an interesting day. Yup. Innnteresting indeed. So I come to work and there’s kind of an uproar going on inside revolving around an Indonesian housemaid brought by the ambulance after being beaten with a metal rod by her employer and his wife. They’ve managed to break her fingers and an arm […]

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I’m writing again. I can’t believe I am. It’s been AGES. I’m actually quite happy about it. Really. I don’t know what inspired it. Sure isn’t the stuff I’ve been reading lately! But anyway, now that I’m back I need to stay on track or else I’ll veer off again for another 2000 years. Been

Petrol Read More »


Well then, it’s that time of the year again. I’m starting to hate August, really. Who ever invented birthdays anyway? And why the hell do people celebrate them? I mean, really? Besides, I’m just going to be 18 again so there’s not point. Really. This time last year I was a couple of weeks away

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2 The world was spinning like a top around her and she couldn’t make it stop at all. It seemed everyone was talking to her from a great distance, and she couldn’t understand what they were saying. Her son had leukaemia, her Omar had leukaemia, that great big bad thing, the thing that hurts kills

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Bruised Innocence

1 They first noticed it when Omar came home from playschool with a bruise the size of a football on his chest. He had fallen off the swings in the playground. The swings were a foot’s height from the ground and he had fallen on a soft pile of sand. His mother studied the bruise

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Faded Glory

Its been getting harder and harder to get up in the mornings. Every day his knees feel a little stiffer and the creaks in his back sound a little louder. Sometimes he imagines he can hear the brittle joints of his fingers screeching in protest every time he reaches out for the ibrig. The sound

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Oh, I ran. I ran, I did, I was running so hard it wasn’t funny. I was running so hard it hurt. And it was so far away, I just couldn’t get any closer, but I was running so hard. The house was burning. It was all up in flames, there was so much fire

Fire! Read More »


1 At one point in my life, things had become so monotonous it was becoming hard to tell the days apart. I woke up every morning, went to work at the bank, fastened elastic bands around wads of money, came home, had lunch and dinner and went to bed to wait for morning to come.

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