Reem Gaafar


Kida bas. Rizg, or رزق is a word that literally translates into livelihood, or subsistence. All rizig comes from Allah, but when and how and in what form is the question. You can never guess or be 100% sure, even if you’re 100% sure. It serves as an explanation or justification of plans gone wrong

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Bring it to Hollywood

Aliquam finibus ante leo. Vestibulum et odio erat. Sed elementum sapien quis porta lobortis. Proin sed imperdiet arcu, eget tincidunt dui. Aenean tristique mollis neque a pretium. Nulla mattis, metus non interdum semper, tortor diam pharetra dolor, non auctor tellus risus non enim. Donec pulvinar, purus ut laoreet sollicitudin, mi sapien eleifend turpis, eu ultricies

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Who’s The Fairest of Them All?

Published originally in ElleAfrique Magazine Sudan is a melting pot of different nations, cultures and religions. There is no one ‘type’ of Sudanese, and no one can claim that the land belongs to them. Over the generations, there have been Nilotic Africans, Arabs, Turks, Moroccans, Egyptians, Greek, Coptic and others, so that Sudanese today are

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Goodbye, 2013

2013 will be a year remembered for a quite a few reasons, but mostly for illness, tears and death. I don’t think there’s ever been a year so full of tragedy and exhaustion, at least not in my relatively pathetic and boring life. I’m sure many other people can say different. The one thing I

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Coming Home: 4

This isn’t really a complete part since the story isn’t over yet. I actually stopped asking and don’t expect anything to happen anytime soon. A few weeks after giving all my papers I was called by the administrative director (the guy who had my file and was getting things done for me) and told that

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So once again, Sudan is revolting. Everyone’s saying how this is it, this is THE revolution that will finally unglue the NCP and cast them down history’s hall of shame. The demonstrations are rather smaller than last time, mostly because university students are nowhere to be seen (I mean the demonstrations are not initiated in

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